High Throughput 3D Phenotyping

Seed analysis, Seed processing & Breeding

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Patented, industrially-validated, end-to-end technologies  

3D Phenotyping

Services, Research & Systems for:
  • Seed Analysis
  • Seed Processing
  • Seed Breeding

Fully Automated

Reduced operational costs and vulnerability to disruptions of business-critical processes by labor shortages and pandemics

Objective Measurements

Quantitative 3D-data to enable objective thresholds and classifications

Documented Big Data

Stored image and measurement data for re-classification and communication with clients and quality assurance teams

Globally Standardizable

Standardised and reproducible process and data within and across labs globally to harmonize operations and research

Our Partners

phenoCheck machine


Seed analysis & Seed processing

  • Objective measuring of internal & external
    seed organs & parameters
  • High-throughput seed quality analysis in 3D
  • Identifying key determinants for field emergence & yield​
  • Automatic control of seed processing
segmented seedlings segmentierte Saemilinge in einer Reihe
Segmented Seedlings with roots
Machine that scans trays of seed utilizing xray


Automated Germination & Vigour Testing

  • Standardised & reproducible ground-truth data globally across labs
  • Quantified & documented 4D data
    of individual seedlings, thousands of datasets/h
  • Minimized risk of disruptions of business-critical processes by full automation
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1:1 seed to seedling phenotyping

High-throughput correlation of 3D seed & 4D seedling phenotype​

  • Linking 3D seed quality parameters & resulting individual seedling development in 4D
  • Defining quantitative cut-offs & trade-offs between usable & non-usable seeds for processing
  • Optimizing seed quality & plant development
phenoBob picture example
phenoBob robot


4D Field & Greenhouse Phenotyping

  • Autonomous RTK-GPS-based navigation
  • Real-time individual plant detection & classification in crop vs. weeds
  • Objective tracing of field emergence & post-emergence mortality
  • Automated quantitative analysis of phenotypic parameters
Segmented 3D Reconstructions of multiple seeds


Laser sheet-based 3D sorting

  • Patented sorting​ process using laser light-sheet for surface, size & volume of objects in 3D
  • High-throughput  at ca. 300.000 seeds/min​
  • Sorting for internal & external 3D seed features by combined laser/2D Xray scanning
  • Cleaning & sorting of seeds in multiple fractions in one step​

About Us

Based on 35+ years of experience in seed quality research, seed multiplication and processing, our technological portfolio covers industrially-validated, high-throughput 3D phenotyping solutions. Our technologies span the whole range from seeds, seedlings to plants in the field for seed quality analysis, germination and vigour testing, processing and breeding. Developed at Strube D&S in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute, our solutions have been validated in internal industrial use for many years. The spin-off phenoLytics will make these revolutionary technologies available and accessible for all crops and the entire industry. Our mission is to drive a transformation in how seeds and plants are optimised for optimum quality to support a sustainable food production for a growing global population.
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Dr. Antje Wolff
Founder, CEO
Leading R&D
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Dr. Johannes Wolff
Founder, COO
Leading Operations & BD
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Dr. Joachim Schneider
Business Strategy
Ex-CEO Bayer Vegetable Seeds
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Dr. Felix Porsch
Technology Development
Ex-Group Leader Fraunhofer IZFP
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Dr. Andreas Büchse
Machine Learning & Biostatistics
Consultant, > 25 years of industry experience
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Immo Hellwig
IT & Digital
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Katja Wegner
Office Administration
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Ingrid Kott
Technical Asisstant
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